
Open Day Wrap Up

Our Open Day on 8th October was a great success with over 70 visitors attending to experience all the activities our club has to offer.

The beautiful weather helped to contribute to the very happy atmosphere, and we received positive feedback from the large number of the visitors who commented on the friendly welcome they received from our club members.

We extend a very warm welcome to six new full bowling members and four Bridge playing social members who have joined since the Open Day.

The music provided by the Melbourne Tramways Big Band was fantastic and we thank them for their continued support.

Band leader Mark Dipnall sent this message of thanks “Please pass on to your members how much the band enjoyed today. It could not have been more perfect with the weather, the food, the drinks, and your friendly hospitality” .

If you would like to Try Bowls, we invite you to come along on any Friday afternoon 3.00-5.00pm or on a Sunday morning between 10.00am – 12 Noon for a friendly Roll Up. Sessions are free and coaching and bowls are provided. Please remember to wear flat soled shoes and bring the whole family.